The 11 Commandments of the Perfect Toulousain 1. Thou shalt always greet others with a friendly "Bonjour!". 2. Thou shalt never refuse a glass of wine, especially a good red from the region. 3. Thou shalt always put sausage in your cassoulet, no exceptions. 4. Thou shalt plan your weekends around the rugby matches. 5. Thou shalt dress in shades of pink and black to show your support for Stade Toulousain. 6. Thou shalt never turn down a slice of foie gras, a Toulouse specialty. 7. Thou shalt tak

undefined 26 juillet 2024 undefined 14h34

The Editor

  1. Embrace the accent

    Whether you were born here or just arrived, you will adopt the melodic accent of Toulouse. No, it's not "pain au chocolat", it's "chocolatine".

  2. Worship the cassoulet

    The cassoulet is sacred. Never forget to defend the Toulouse recipe as the one and only. Variations are heresies.

  3. Support Stade Toulousain

    Rugby is a religion. Every game, you will vibrate to the rhythm of Stade Toulousain's tries, dressed in red and black.

  • You shall prioritize terrace aperitifs

    In Toulouse, we know how to live. Terrace aperitifs, especially on Place Saint-Pierre, you shall prioritize. Pastis and draft beer shall flow abundantly.

  • You shall endure the traffic jams

    You shall endure the Toulouse traffic jams. With a smile (or almost) and the "French Songs" playlist on repeat, you shall be patient. Even though it seems that Toulouse is one of the cities with the least traffic jams in France...

  • You shall cherish the violets

    The flower of the pink city, the violet, you shall cherish. Whether in candy, syrup, or perfume, you shall adore it.

  • You shall stroll along the Garonne riverbanks

    Walking along the Garonne river, you shall never tire of it. In summer, you shall picnic and in winter, you shall bundle up to enjoy.Close your eyes.


  • Thou shalt honor festive evenings

    Thou shalt frequent the lively evenings on Gabriel Péri street and the trendy clubs in the city. For in Toulouse, partying is an institution.

  • Thou shalt complain about the weather

    Always too hot in summer and too cold in winter. The weather, never perfect, thou shalt complain about. But deep down, thou knowest thou lovest the Toulouse sun.

  • Thou shalt adopt local expressions

    "Chocolatine", "bouleguer", and "boudu" thou shalt use. Speaking Toulousain, thou shalt master. And if thou don't understand everything, don't worry, just ask Claude Nougaro!

  • You will love the Pink City

    From its red bricks to its numerous gardens, from its markets to its festivals, from its cozy restaurants to its endless parties, you will love Toulouse.

  • There you go, with these commandments, you are ready to become a perfect Toulousain, with humor and lightness. Welcome to the Pink City!