Toulouse is the second favorite city for the French to move to!

undefined 9 septembre 2024 undefined 10h37

The Editor

Drivalia's ranking looks at the favorite cities of the French for starting a new life. It's a study that comes just at the right time, just a few days after the back-to-school season!

And the result? Paris is the most sought-after city for relocations, followed by Toulouse and Bordeaux. The cities of Lyon (4th), Lille (5th), Montpellier (6th), Marseille (7th), Rennes (8th), Nantes (9th), and Aix-en-Provence (10th) continue the ranking. Notably, Le Mans, La Rochelle, and Annecy also make it into the top 20 most requested destinations.

favorite French cities to move to Bordeaux

Another wave of Parisians on the horizon? 

However, while many French people have moved to the capital, just as many have definitively left it! Those leaving the Île-de-France mainly choose the Atlantic coast (between La Rochelle and Bayonne) and the PACA region, each accounting for 16%. Bordeaux alone represents 8% of the moves from Paris, followed by Lyon and Toulouse (7% each). The pink city just can't escape its popularity... 

The Grand-Ouest ranks 3rd place, with its main destinations being Brittany and the Loire Valley accounting for 11% of Parisians.