Incredible but true: the people of Toulouse are officially the most polite in France.😊🌟🇫🇷

undefined 30 avril 2024 undefined 16h37

The Editor

The people of Toulouse are said to be the most polite in France!

Despite all the stereotypes that have dressed the Toulousain for generations, the one about their lack of friendliness is finally being challenged. This is evidenced by the ranking, which places Toulouse at the top of the list of the most polite cities in France! Following closely behind are Strasbourg, Rennes, and Bordeaux which emerge as bastions of courtesy, positioning themselves as the most polite cities in the country. A proud moment for Toulouse, which is one of the few major French metropolises to be absent from the top of rudeness.

.bordeaux city polite france

The bad students are...

However, some cities have a lot of progress to make. Topping the list of cities where residents are the most impolite, we find Lyon with a terrible impoliteness score of 9.41 out of 10. Marseille (9.26) and Nice (9.08) are not far behind, ranking 2nd and 3rd respectively. With outstanding impoliteness scores!

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Have you ever been so focused on your phone in public that you forget your manners? According to a recent survey, this behavior tops the list of rudeness in France, closely followed by not cleaning up after your dog and being noisy in public. And let's not forget the simple act of saying "thank you" to the bus driver when getting off public transportation. These small gestures of kindness can go a long way in making our daily interactions more pleasant.

The survey also revealed that over two-thirds of French people (68%) agree that the stereotype of French rudeness is not just a myth. Many believe that incivility is unfortunately a part of daily life. When asked about the reasons behind this persistent stereotype, some participants pointed to the frequent use of colorful language by the French as a contributing factor. While swear words and colorful expressions may have their place in French culture, they also play a role in shaping the image of a population not always known for their politeness.