Strasbourg officially belongs to the chattiest cities in France

undefined 26 juillet 2024 undefined 08h25

The Editor

Strasbourg, a city where words reign

Preply is a platform that connects over 32,000 teachers with thousands of learners in 180 countries. Preply has embarked on a mission as ambitious as it is fun: to discover which cities the residents love to chat in. To do this, they surveyed over 1,500 residents from 15 of the largest cities in France. The criteria? Daily behaviors like thanking someone who opens a door, chatting with friends or acquaintances met by chance, and discussing current topics.

Results that speak volumes

With a score of 66.7/100, Montpellier ranks 4th among the most talkative cities in France. Only Marseille (of course), Bordeaux, and Montpellier do better, while Lille completes the top 5. On the other hand, the shyest cities in the country are Reims, Rennes, and Dijon (the big winner of discretion).

Aside from this ranking, the Preply survey reveals some interesting facts about the conversation habits of the French: the most talkative professions are marketing managers, real estate agents, and recruiters; on average, the French speak to 5.5 people per day for pleasure or leisure; at work, the most frequent exchanges are informal discussions (greetings, coffee breaks, weekend chit-chat…).

Complete ranking