
This street in downtown Strasbourg is going to become completely pedestrian!

undefined undefined 21 mars 2025 undefined 19h00

The Editor

Since 2017, the street of Jeu-des-Enfants had already taken a first step towards pedestrianization with a temporary setup. But this time, we’re getting serious! Gone are the wooden platforms and messy sidewalks, the city launched a project in March to harmonize it all.

A more harmonious look

The ground will be covered with natural stone, the lighting will be redesigned, urban furniture will be added, and there will even be a special spot for bikes! In short, a true urban makeover. But don't worry, the street won't lose its identity! The municipality has promised that the colorful touches and lights that add charm to this area will be preserved and even enhanced. See you in July to check out the results!

Source : City of Strasbourg