The Paris metro is a microcosm where each line has its own vibe, its own rhythm, and its unique specimens. Sure, you rarely have the luxury of choosing your metro line, but let's admit it: some lines tend to attract the same types of people... So, we've had some fun creating a 100% subjective and 100% cliché portrait (to be taken with a huge dose of self-mockery) of the Paris metro riders. Enjoy the read!
Line 1: The golden boy/girl
This is the line for tourists and suits. You juggle between La Défense and Bastille, always keeping an eye on your jam-packed schedule while still thinking about your upcoming dinner at Septime. You sport a Palais de Tokyo tote bag and a watch worth the equivalent of 27 Navigo passes.
Line 2: The Hipster from the North
If you take line 2, you probably live between Belleville and Pigalle, and you have strong opinions about the quality of the hummus in your neighborhood restaurants. But you also pass through areas like the 17th, where you think there are only families and daycare centers... until you run into a group of young people speaking loudly, gathered at Barbès. Your playlist? A clever mix of jazz and rap.
Line 3: The Chill Intellectual
You work in communication, publishing, or film, and you've already tried writing a novel (unfinished). Your dream? To leave Paris for Bordeaux. In the meantime, you endure the delays caused by "people on the tracks" with a feigned nonchalance while listening to jazz in your headphones.
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Line 4: The True Parisian
You live right in the heart of the city and you believe that everything beyond the périphérique is an urban legend. You casually stroll between the stations, slightly smirking at those struggling in more distant parts of the capital. Always in "practical and efficient" mode, you're one of those who has their Navigo card sorted out in May, discreetly looking down on others who still haven't figured out it's time to say goodbye to paper tickets.
Line 5: The Activist from the East
You're the type to have an opinion on everything and to get involved everywhere. You have a subscription to Mediapart, you go to Rosa Bonheur but prefer Le Barboteur, and you've already taken part in a protest at Place de la République.
Your closet is filled with tote bags from independent bookstores and slogan t-shirts that you wear proudly. On the metro, you pay attention to every political poster and don't hesitate to share them on your feed to make your voice heard.
Line 6: The Instagrammer
You've already taken 46 photos of the view of the Eiffel Tower between Bir-Hakeim and Passy, bonus points for sunset. Your feed is a clever mix of brunches, trendy spots, and stories of your trips to Bali. Even if sometimes, the crowded metro makes you forget a bit about reality, you remain committed to your quest for the perfect moment to share.
Line 7: The Eternal Optimist
If you take Line 7, you know that there's no point in rushing, it's best to leave on time. Delays and packed trains? You take them with philosophy, and sometimes even with a smile. You always arrive...You're running late, but you have a rock-solid excuse to justify your tardiness and even a fun story to share with your colleagues as a bonus.The subway is just a small bump in your journey, a minor detail in your day.
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Line 8 : The Resigned Traveler
Voted the worst line in Paris multiple times, Line 8 is truly a test of patience. Crowded platforms, old trains, and always late, you know each trip will be an adventure. But what can you do? You don’t have a choice, you take it almost every day, hoping that this time it will be faster. Hang in there.
Line 9 : The Patient One
You live or work in the West, and you know taking Line 9 during rush hour is like running a marathon. You’ve mastered the art of weaving through crowds and you consider standing without holding onto the bars a skill in itself. You know the “DIY” tactics to find a place to settle down and you definitely have the patience of a saint, because you know your journey won’t take less than 52 minutes, with endless stops at every station.
But at least you have the time to think about life or your next trips.
Line 10: The Forgotten Metro
If you take the 10, it’s because you had no choice. You live in a place that even Google Maps struggles to pinpoint. This line is a mystery, a prehistoric artifact that takes you from one end of Paris to the other in a record time of 45 minutes.
Line 11: The Underground Artist
You live or hang out in Belleville, and you’re one of those who thinks that Ménilmontant “has changed a lot”, that it was “better before” when it was still a real village. You know all the alternative theaters and you are convinced that the best kebab in Paris is hidden in a corner of Oberkampf Street. By the way, you perfectly know where to find rare vinyl records and self-published poetry books.
Line 12: The Nostalgic
You prefer thrift stores and old cafes where people chat about the “good old days.” You're often on the lookout for hidden gems at the Porte de Clignancourt market, and you dream of times past when Paris was calmer. Your little slice of heaven? The Abbesses neighborhood and its charming cobblestone streets, where you imagine living in a bygone Paris, before everything became too trendy.
Line 13: The Metro Veteran
If you take Line 13, respect. You are a warrior, an indomitable spirit. Between Porte de Clichy and Saint-Denis University, every trip is a challenge. You deserve a medal of merit and a cushion to soften those hours of discomfort. And even if you secretly dream of modernization (or a route change), you continue to ride it with d determination.
any challenge.See this post on Instagram
Line 14: The Futuristic One
Line 14 is the Ferrari of the Paris metro. You have a subscription to The Economist and you secretly dream that Paris adopts Tokyo's model for its transport system. You absolutely hate it when someone blocks the automatic doors and you can’t understand why others...s lines are so slow.
So, do you recognize yourself ? Whether we love it or hate it, one thing is for sure : Paris and its metro will never stop making us laugh (and cry). And if you enjoyed our article, you can also take a look at our totally subjective ranking of the metro lines, you won’t be disappointed!