Astro: these 3 signs will meet their soulmate in May!

undefined undefined 3 mai 2024 undefined 17h06

The Editor

Oh, love... It would be a lie to say that it is not part of our main concerns. And it would be an even bigger lie to say that we do not all dream of those butterflies in our stomach, of that magic that only love with a capital L can bring. For you, Aries, Virgos, and Pisces, the butterflies will definitely emerge from their chrysalises in May. Open your eyes, your soulmate will make a grand entrance into your life. Aries (March 21 - April 20) Whether it is with the person you share your life with, or those you meet here and there on a date, exchanges have been complicated lately. Communication has not necessarily gone well, leading to a few arguments and misunderstandings. You have been a little off track from your relationship or your meeting goal. But the dramas are finally over, Aries! May marks the beginning of a new era where things will finally unfold smoothly. Singles, it's time to step back into the dating arena because you will come out victorious! If you are in a couple, maybe it's time to address those sweet words that have been on your heart for several weeks? Life has enjoyed putting a few barriers in your way, dear Pisces. Challenges that have sometimes made you feel confined. But this solitude has been beneficial! You have refocused on yourself and your friends. You have gradually rediscovered how to appreciate collective moments, surrounded by trustworthy people.Beloved Pisces, it's been a tough few weeks, but now it's time to move forward. You've gone through a lot, but you know what you deserve and what you don't. You're ready for new connections that could possibly lead to something special! Let's be real, things haven't been easy lately. Summer has been a rollercoaster of emotions, with betrayal and hurt coming your way. But now, it's time to leave all that behind and start fresh. Take a dive back into the water, where you belong. Say goodbye to toxic people and hello to a new beginning in May. This month is a turning point, leading you towards a brighter future. It's time to step out of the darkness and move towards the light. Open yourself up to new possibilities and be ready to meet someone who will bring joy and happiness into your life.