Incredible: La Poste releases a stamp that smells like... bread!

undefined 23 mai 2024 undefined 18h43

The Editor

Here is a somewhat unexpected initiative. A few days ago, the famous (but also criticized) French mail delivery service unveiled to the public its brand new creation: a scented stamp. And to make this innovation a 100% French product, the experts behind the project had the incredible idea to cover it with small drawings of baguettes, and most importantly, to give it their smell. Limited Edition So, next time you send a letter - which, contrary to appearances, can still happen to some of us from time to time - if you suddenly feel an irresistible urge to run to the bakery to buy a crispy baguette and croissant, remember that it might be because of the scented stamp you used.A beautifully golden croissant, or an incredible flaky brioche, rest assured, it's not at all a sudden craving of a pregnant woman, or any other unexplainable impulse. Indeed, it is simply the new creation straight from the overflowing imagination of the La Poste officials. A stamp with the scent of bread, which may cause some cravings among some of you.

This is a true homage that the post office offers us, a declaration of love for French baking craftsmanship, as we can see on the stamp a cute little baguette, accompanied by a tricolor ribbon, and the mention "The French bread baguette". And to bring out all the flavors, just lightly rub the small stamp between your fingers, to be immediately transported to a bakery.

This magical, exceptional, even tasty little stamp, is printed in 594,000 copies and sold at the price of 1.96 euros per unit. It's a certain cost, we can all agree, since it's more expensive than a real baguette, but hey, when you have a love for good things, it's worth it.Isn't about money . To get these little gems, go to your nearest post office, or directly on the website. If you order them this way, they will most likely send them to you... By mail!