Here are the 10 worst male names in bed

undefined undefined 21 juin 2024 undefined 15h01

The Editor

We all know that relationships can be a bit tricky at times. Sometimes there's a lack of connection, energy, or passion, and things just don't seem to be working out. But would you believe that your partner's name could actually have an impact? It may sound crazy, but there's a study out there that could really make you think twice. This study should definitely be taken with a pinch of salt. The exact origins of this research, which has been making the rounds for over a decade now, are still a bit murky. Some say it was a study done by the University of Michigan, surveying over 4500 women through dating apps. Others claim it was a French survey from years ago. Regardless, there's no concrete evidence to be found today.It seems like a bunch of people using different dating sites were asked about their experiences to create this list. They all shared stories about the good and the bad when it comes to their romantic conquests. Sadly, it seems like one name that kept popping up as a letdown - Julien. Oh, guys, looks like you might need to step up your game! Following Julien are Mohamed and Damien in the top 3. Some other popular names on the list are Hugo, Clément, and Mehdi. And of course, our dear Kevins, who continue to battle unfair stereotypes related to their name. Let's spread some love for all the Kevins out there! 💕 Learn more.

Among the best performers, we have Maxime, Thomas, and Théo at the top. Congratulations, you can be proud. They are all praised for their creativity, passion, and efficiency. Baptiste, Antoine, and Valentin also make it to the top 10. Whatever your secret is, keep up the good work!

A Bit of Humor

Before anyone gets upset, let's clarify that this study is meant to be taken with humor. Firstly, because its origin is quite unclear. Secondly, because it includes all the most common names in the country, so it's quite easy. And lastly (most importantly), sexual pleasure is way too complex to be simplified to just a first name. There are feelings, alchemy, preferences, etc. So Julien, have confidence, you are the best (for some).

And if one of your friends decides to send you this article just to tease you a little, we're here for you. Because yes, these ladies also got ranked as the worst partners, and you might just have the way to get your revenge on this offense (even if the names are quite outdated, we have to admit)! Well, here are the different lists. And remember, dude, lady, with a name or without a name, you're all worth it (for one night, and maybe more if you get along...).

The 10 worst male names in bed

1. Julien
2. Mohamed
3. Damien
4. Kevin
5. Benoit
6. Lucas
7. Hugo
8. Clément
9. Mehdi
10. Mamadou

The 10 best male names in bed

1. Maxime
2. Thomas
3. Théo
4. Enzo
5. Alexandre
6. Antoine
7. Nicolas
8. Valentin
9. Florian
10. Baptiste


The worst female names in bed

1. Isabelle
2. Camille
3. Sandrine
4. Julie
5. Ludivine
6. Barbara
7. Audrey
8. Émilie
9. Sylvie
10. Catherine