Astro: these 3 signs are the most positively impacted by the full moon of flowers

undefined undefined 24 mai 2024 undefined 15h06

undefined undefined 27 mai 2024 undefined 08h07

The Editor

She has imposed herself like a flower in our daily lives, without anyone even noticing her. Thursday, May 23, the full flower moon, precisely, illuminated the sky. A nickname given because of the time of year when it appears: in May, theoretically spring is in full swing (a theory that we would refute, given the downpours raining down all over France) and the blooming begins. And when buds bloom, it means lots of good things for you my little candies. Stay tuned rams, cancers, and capricorns, the next few days are looking pretty good! Aries (March 21 - April 19) Your combative personality always holds its head high and doesn't let obstacles in its way get it down. Good for you, you haven't said your last word! This period that lies ahead of you promises to be rich in emotions and moments of extreme intensity. Enjoy every moment to the fullest, dear Aries, for the universe has many surprises in store for you! Enjoy it, live it fully. Don't hesitate to finally start this project that has been on your mind for a while: organizing a trip, learning a foreign language... Dive in with passion, it can only be beneficial.For your mental and even physical health! You hit rock bottom, great, now you can only go up. Done with hesitations and the questions to which, let's admit it, you didn't find any solutions or answers. What if you stopped looking for them? What if you let them come to you? With this beautiful full moon, it's time to let things flow. Feel your emotions and dreams, more than your brain that keeps circling. You, who are naturally so sensitive, reconnect with the outside world, with its beauty and poetry. Life is beautiful Cancers, savor it, love it. Capricorn (December 23 - January 22) Usually firm in your shoes, this full moon has given you an extra little push to continue your journey on a path of life that is balanced and tailored to you. You are leaving behind appearances to make room for being. Your full presence in the moment gives you a kind of charisma that is unmatched. You embrace your ambition and take the lead in your own. Leadership is important in both your personal life and your professional career. However, be careful not to let this sudden power overwhelm you. You might make some reckless decisions or even become aggressive, and we all know that's not like you!