A mega trampoline installed on the Seine for the Olympics in Paris

undefined 1 avril 2024 undefined 07h00

The Editor

This summer, Paris will make you feel like a child again during the Olympic Games! If, like us, you were the type to want to go to that friend's house with a trampoline in their garden all the time, this news should delight you! In a surprising announcement, the Paris 2024 Olympic Committee has unveiled an innovative plan for this summer's event: the installation of a huge floating trampoline on the Seine River for the duration of the Games. A floating trampoline for athletes and spectators Named "TrampoSeine," the installation is expected to be nearly 100 meters long and will be positioned between the Bir-Hakeim bridge and the Iéna bridge, offering a spectacular view of the Eiffel Tower located just across the river.p>Welcome to our happy place! Whether you're here to shop, learn, or just hang out, we're glad you're here. Enjoy your time on our site and have fun exploring all that we have to offer. Thanks for stopping by! 🌟🎉🌈
Image generated by AI © Auriane Camus 

According to the organizers, the TrampoSeine will be used for a special synchronized trampoline competition, where athletes will jump from specially designed platforms and perform impressive acrobatic figures above the water. They will be judged based on two criteria: technique (execution, synchronization, risk-taking) and artistic creation (presentation, originality of theme and choreography, musical interpretation).

Apart from the competitions, the trampoline will be freely accessible to spectators and to all Parisians who wish to use it, throughout the duration of the Games.

Enhanced security measures

Image generated by AI © Auriane Camus 

P.-S.: Before we finish, have you checked today's date? Always keep a bit of skepticism... because as tradition goes, April 1st is often synonymous with mischief, and at Le Bonbon, we love pranks. Don't be too disappointed, our jokes have sometimes come true in the past... You never know.