
A car zooms into the Paris metro

undefined undefined 11 février 2025 undefined 12h00

undefined undefined 11 février 2025 undefined 14h39

The Editor

We thought that the entrances of the Paris metro, with their Art Nouveau barriers and huge yellow signs, were pretty recognizable. But apparently, we were wrong, and some people still have trouble telling this apart from a parking entrance. On Saturday night, an unsuspecting driver drove into the metro stairs, causing a big commotion. An extremely surprising incident, yet far from being an isolated case in the capital.

A lovely Saturday night ahead

It was around 10:40 PM on Saturday, February 8 when the event occurred. A stunning white Citroën SUV made its way into the metro entrance at the Chaussée d’Antin - Lafayette station. According to witnesses, it entered at a snail’s pace, mistaking the entrance for a parking spot, before quickly finding itself...

stuck in the stairs, the 4 wheels off the ground. But we have a whole other theory: he just wanted to avoid paying the new exorbitant parking prices implemented by Anne Hidalgo. In any case, luckily, the incident caused no injuries or material damage, and the driver ended up being freed around 11:15 PM, thanks to the intervention of a tow truck.

Never two without three

A quick intervention, then, which blocked the entrance to the station for less than an hour, can most certainly be attributed to habit. Indeed, this is the 3rd time in just a little over a dozen years that a car has entered this very specific station. It had already happened once in 2012, and then a second time in 2018, under more or less similar circumstances. But Chaussée d’Antin isn’t the only station suffering from its attractiveness, as a similar scene occurred at Sablons in 2023, and before that in 2017 at Corentin Cariou, resulting this time in 3 minor injuries. In any case, this time, everything ended well, and we hope that a new signage will be put in place!

next time, just to keep a bit of control over everything.