It's back, that dreaded day. Monday, January 20, 2025, will be the Blue Monday, aka the most depressing day of the year. Started in 2005, this day falls on the third Monday of January every year. What qualifies it as such? A clever mix of the weather, the time that has passed since Christmas, and a lack of motivation. As sad as it might be, this day won’t have any impact on the daily lives of Aries, Cancer, and Scorpio.
Aries (March 21 - April 19)
Aries, Blue Monday isn’t going to bring sadness or nostalgia into your life. On the contrary, it will come hand in hand with peace and total harmony. You’re embarking on a fabulous journey where love, in all its forms, prevails and where conflicts have no place. Perhaps...
Maybe, just maybe, you have a guide by your side. Enjoy this week of fullness to reflect, rest, and above all, take your time! This isn’t the moment to make important decisions. Savor this balance and wait for the next step before you jump in.Voir cette publication sur Instagram
Cancer (June 21 - July 22)
Monday means the start of the week and a fresh new beginning. Starting next week, Cancer, you’re going to step into a new chapter in your life, whether it’s in your career, love life, friendships, or family. Things are about to dramatically change for the better! Finally, you’ll get to experience that mental or physical liberation (or maybe even both) that feels absolutely amazing. You’re in a position of power, so don’t hesitate to take action to make your wishes come true. This period is perfect for luck, abundance, and prosperity!
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Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)
Scorpio, if you want your week to be as amazing as the cards say, you'll need to embrace outside help. A door is opening for you, but to really push through it, you'll need to combine your strengths with those of others. You know it well: alone we go faster, but together we go farther. It's up to you to find like-minded individuals who can lift you up. And let's be honest, you don't always have to be on the defensive. Allow yourself to act with innocence and authenticity, like a child would. You'll see, it feels freeing!
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