Variations around Gainsbarre's Paris: on March 2, 2016, it's been 25 years since he passed away. However, a free spirit like his never truly dies. As evidence, he still hangs out in his favorite places... To hear the deep and mythical voice of the great Serge resonate, follow the guide and listen to our playlist while reading for a perfect immersion.
The birthplace
Baby Lucien Ginsburg was born on April 2, 1928 at 35, rue de la Chine, in the 20th arrondissement.
The family apartment
After the 20th arrondissement, head to the 9th where Gainsbourg grew up, specifically at 11 bis, rue Chaptal. To symbolize the musician's presence in our district (Le Bonbon is right next door: coincidence?), a commemorative plaque will be unveiled on March 10 at 12:30 PM just dev.And the building was renovated by the mayor, Delphine Bürkli.
The first night
Quite intrusive, but we have to talk about it. The Esmeralda Hotel, facing the Seine, was the birthplace of Jane and Serge's first night of love in 1968... If you happen to pass by...
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Hôtel Esmeralda 4, rue Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre - 4e
The Hotel of Love
He and Jane did not stay at the Hotel for several nights or weeks like other celebrities, but for a year... A year of love and pleasure in this mythical hotel, but also of music, as he composed the brilliant album "Histoire de Melody Nelson" there in 1971.
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13, rue des Beaux-Arts - 6e
Le fumoir
Forever surely, Gitanes will rhyme with Gainsbourg. He loved to smoke his cigarettes, among other things, in the smoking room of the private club Castel. He is gone, but the grand piano he played on is still there...
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15 Castel Street - 6th district
The neighborhood bistros
Despite being a tortured man, Gainsbourg loved to eat at the same places. At Bistrot de Paris, for instance, table 46 was always reserved for him. It was also at this place where he had his last meal with Charlotte and Bambou... Le Galant Vert, which has now been removed from the menu, was also one of the popular neighborhood bistros for the composer.
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Bistrot de Paris 33, rue de Lille - 7th
The last dwelling
The nostalgic ones come to linger at his grave in the Montparnasse cemetery, or of course, in front of his splendid house at 5 bis, rue de Verneuil, covered in graffiti, which reminds everyone that "Gainsbourg was here".
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