In December, a magical bubble settled high above the capital. A cozy cocoon filled with warmth, art, and celebration, open until January 13 at Georges, a chic rooftop hideaway nestled on the top floor of the Centre Pompidou. Enjoy signature cocktails, a tribute to the greatest painters of Surrealism, and delicious treats, and savor the final moments of this XXL dreamy bubble.
A Dreamy Bubble with Surrealist Vibes
Opened on December 18, the Dream Bubble pays homage to the work of one of the greatest French authors and poets: Louis Aragon. It's an invitation to be swept away by poetry, referencing his Wave of Dreams in prose, which beautifully introduces the Surrealism of the 20th century. This choice clearly resonates with the grand exhibition currently adorning the walls of the Centre Pompidou, celebrating the 100th anniversary of this artistic movement. It showcases all of its major figures, from Dalí to Miró, as well as Ernst, Tanning, Dora Maar, and more.
The Iacometti came together in the temple of Contemporary Art for a truly exceptional celebration.View this post on InstagramVoir cette publication sur Instagram
Bubble of Dreams
Le Georges (rooftop of the Pompidou Center)
Place Georges Pompidou – 4th
Until January 13, 2025
More info