The Denfert-Rochereau crossroads is a highlight of the Left Bank, represented by its iconic Lion of Belfort. Unfortunately, it’s also a spot marked by a spike in pollution and too many accidents. After months (or even years) of discussions between local residents and the City Hall, a project has just been presented with the goal of making improvements in 2025 to breathe new life into this historic neighborhood.
A square in its original state
Currently, Denfert-Rochereau consists of 40,800 m2 of total area, fragmented into different spaces that lack cohesion. It’s a divided space, without clarity for pedestrians, made up of independent "islands" that don’t coexist harmoniously. It’s also one of the Parisian spots with the highest number of accidents, due to its extremely complex signage.
and insufficient for both cars and bikes. So much so that the place has long been nicknamed "the place of Hell". That really sets the tone.On n'a plus de gouvernement mais on a une projet pour la place Denfert Rochereau. On en a parlé ce soir.
— David Belliard (@David_Belliard) December 4, 2024
Une nouvelle place, 116 arbres en plus, plus de 6500m2 d'espaces verts, un nouveau couloir de bus, une nouvelle piste cyclable... Un changement majeur pour le 14e.
Luckily, after 5 years of discussions and a flurry of projects, the City of Paris, along with the 14th arrondissement, has finally decided to take matters into their own hands to make Denfert-Rochereau a wonderful place to live where gentle mobility truly has a place. This is fantastic news for the 8.8 million passengers who take the metro or the RER every year, as well as the 650,000 visitors who rush to the Museum of Liberation or the catacombs, which are accessed from the square.
An ever-greener capital
The significant construction project is set to begin this summer and will mark one of the final projects of Anne Hidalgo's term in the capital. The plan includes a massive greening initiative, aiming for over 7000 m2 of...greenery, and 130 trees and 30,000 plants planted. In the same spirit, 3 of the 4 squares already present in the area will be connected, and the dog park will be expanded.
14 millions d'euros pour réaménager la Place Denfert-Rochereau (14ème) !🌳
— Les Écologistes - Ville de Paris (@LesEcolos_Paris) December 18, 2024
Cette place accidentogène et minérale est le vestige d'une conception dépassée de la ville. Démarrons enfin les travaux ! (👋@carine_petit)
A project estimated at 12 million euros, which will also allow for the establishment of new bike paths that are much more convenient and usable. The first will serve the north/south route in both directions. The second, which is one-way, will enable travel from southeast to southwest. The bus stops, which can sometimes be tricky to locate (trust us on this!), will also be reorganized and made more accessible. Finally, over 4500 m2 dedicated to pedestrians will be set up. All we have to do now is wait a few months to discover all of this!