
Beyond Penetration, the play that gently (and smartly) questions our preconceived notions

undefined undefined 12 février 2025 undefined 15h00

The Editor

When he discovers the words of Martin Page, Yves Heck is deeply transformed. Today, he decides to share this experience with us, to gently transform our habits with kindness and care. The result is a show full of humility, a true dialogue without taboos with the audience, blending public and private realms, inviting us to look a little deeper than « The intertwining of two bodies that meet ».

A feminist play that feels good

At the crossroads between scientific conference and passionate conversation about sex, Yves Heck, an openly gay actor, delivers the words of Martin Page, a somewhat lost heterosexual feminist author. A double challenge for the actor, who manages to talk to us about his position as a man, and about a sexuality that is often heteronormative and focused on...

eacute;e around male pleasure, while never stealing the spotlight from women, speaking for them, or taking a space that isn’t theirs.

See this post on Instagram

Martin Page © Zoe Victoria Fischer

In summary, we have a groundbreaking play from Yves Heck that is more relevant than ever. It's a moment of sharing and reflection on a societal topic that is still far too taboo, inviting us to rethink our relationship with others, our bodies, and sexuality. It's a truly unique experience that benefits everyone involved.

Beyond Penetration

Théâtre de la Concorde
1, avenue Gabriel – 8e
From March 5 to March 22, 2025
Every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at 8:30 PM
On March 7 at 2 PM and 8:30 PM
Get your tickets here!More info