
The foolproof technique of this chef for a perfect aligot

undefined undefined 8 décembre 2024 undefined 12h00

The Editor

It’s undoubtedly one of the simplest recipes in the world, and yet, it’s not within reach of just anyone. One moment, the aligot won’t stretch. The next, it doesn’t mix well. But since we’re nice, we’ve decided to share with you THE secret that makes an aligot truly an aligot. For this, we’re using the recipe from chef Cyril Attrazic, featured in his new book AUBRAC. And a note for the very amateur or a bit lazy cooks, it’s really, really, really, really simple.


For 6 people

1 kg of Agata potatoes
100 g of butter
10 cl of fresh cream
50 g of garlic pulp (grated or chopped)
400 g of fresh cheese
White pepper (preferably)

The preparation

Step 1 :

Start by peeling your potatoes and boiling them in water for about thirty minutes. This should be easy for everyone!

Step 2 :

Once the potatoes are ready, make a nice smooth mash (preferably using a potato masher or a sieve), adding in the butter and cream. After that, you're all set for a delicious dish!

It's almost done.

Step 3:

Add the salt, pepper, garlic, and tomme cheese to the potatoes and put everything back on medium heat. Once again, it's really quite simple!

Step 4:

Be careful, this step is crucial for success.of your aligot, and here we unveil the greatest secret of the universe. Once the cheesy puree – because that's all it is for now – is on the heat, stir gently, and most importantly, ALWAYS IN THE SAME DIRECTION !!!!!!!!!!!! This will keep your cheese strands from breaking, allowing you to pull out long strings of aligot later on. If it ever gets too thick, don't hesitate to add a little water. Serve it hot as soon as the texture feels just right.

Enjoy your meal !