This weekend, we’re warning you, it might get sporty in the streets of Paris, both literally and figuratively. Literally, because the capital will host no less than 3 races: The Ecotrail of Paris on Saturday, March 22, followed by the 10 km Étoiles AND the 10 km du Neuf the next day, Sunday, March 23. And figuratively, because this last event might create a bit of chaos for cars with quite a few traffic and parking restrictions planned. Whether you’re getting ready to hit the starting line or not, we suggest you start warming up right now.
10 km, 2 races, 1 association, and 0 cars
This Sunday, March 23, there will be a new edition of the Lions Paris Run 9, a charity race that crosses, just like its…
the name suggests, the streets of the 9th. On the agenda of this event, two inclusive routes that welcome everyone. A first route of 1.5 km for families, open to children from 5 years old. A second one, reserved for more seasoned runners, stretches over 10 km.Dernière ligne droite avant les 10 KM DU NEUF du LIONS PARIS NEUF RUN !
— Alexandre Meschberger (@AlexandreM012) March 3, 2025
(Réunion de l’orgateam à la mairie du IXe arrondissement de Paris)
Rendez-vous le dimanche 23 mars matin.
Pour prendre un dossard :
The 10km race, which is set to start at 8:30 AM, will take you through some of the iconic neighborhoods of the district, like La Fayette, Trinité, Pigalle, Notre-Dame-de-Lorette, Saint-Georges, and the surrounding areas of the Folies Bergère. The good news is that all the race proceeds will go towards supporting the initiatives of the Lions Clubs association. The bad news is that, unfortunately, when there's a race, it means traffic restrictions all around.
Restrictions Everywhere
To ensure the setup of the course and, most importantly, the safety of all the runners, no motor vehicles will obviously be allowed in the designated timeframe set by the Paris prefecture. Thus, it will be
completely prohibited to park on the boulevard Haussmann, between rue Chauchat and rue Le Peletier, and from number 45 to 51 on rue Le Peletier, from 2 PM to 4 PM, on Sunday, March 23rd 2025.3 heures de #bouchons à #Paris et quelques automobilistes oublient complètement le code de la route #conduireaparis #danger 😲
— Sean Casey (@seancaseyparis) September 15, 2021
When it comes to traffic, the Boulevard Haussmann, between Rue Chauchat and Rue Le Peletier, will be completely inaccessible from 3 AM to 4 PM. In the same vein, all the streets along the race route will be totally closed to traffic between 7:30 AM and 11:45 AM. But honestly, since the list is really long, we won't put you through the trouble of writing it all down, and we invite you to check it out for yourself on the official order from the prefecture, available right here !