
Traffic at Gare du Nord is completely interrupted after the discovery of a bomb

undefined undefined 7 mars 2025 undefined 10h00

undefined undefined 7 mars 2025 undefined 14h39

The Editor

Since very early this Friday morning, train traffic is completely halted at the Gare du Nord. While this event, in itself, isn't extraordinary, the cause of the disruption is quite unusual. It’s not due to last-minute modernization work or a forgotten bag by a distracted passenger, but rather the discovery of a World War II bomb on the tracks. According to the initial information from SNCF, it hasn't exploded, and traffic cannot resume without permission from the Paris police prefecture.

Expect disruptions throughout the day on RER and Transilien lines

Imagine the surprise of the workers who were working on the tracks near Saint-Denis from Thursday night to Friday! While they were carrying out Ongoing renovations on the tracks, they came face to face with a bomb from the Second World War that hasn't exploded. A team of bomb disposal experts was immediately contacted and has been on the scene since 6 AM this morning.

Well, you can imagine that an event like this doesn’t come without consequences, and the announcements since this morning show just that. For now, no trains are running between Gare du Nord and La Plaine - Stade de France on the RER B and between Gare de Lyon and Stade France - Saint-Denis on line D. The same goes for the Transiliens, with traffic interrupted between Saint-Denis and Paris Gare du Nord on line H and between Aulnay-sous-Bois and Paris Gare du Nord on line K. And of course, the rest of these lines is also experiencing significant disruptions.

For now, Transport Minister Philippe Tabarot has stated: “This is going to seriously shake things up for the whole day.

RN. The ideal would be to restore traffic in a reduced capacity this afternoon», showing a lot of caution regarding the potential resumption of traffic. Fortunately, the metro should not be too affected, except for a massive influx of passengers taking other means of transport.

The big lines are just as affected

And while we feel for Parisians and residents of Île-de-France who were just trying to get to work this morning, they are not the only ones in trouble, as all this chaos is also affecting the TGV and Eurostar. No train has been able to leave for the United Kingdom since this morning, gathering travelers who were supposed to depart at 6, 8, 9, and now 10am. And while a potential resumption of service is expected for the 11am train (and it will be first come, first served for seats), nothing is certain according to the agents on site.

The same goes for the national train traffic; no departures have been able to leave since this morning, and some trains have even been rerouted to other stations. For example, the TGV that was originally scheduled to leave at 8:42 AM from Gare du Nord for Lille has ended up departing from the Gare de Lyon. For now, the diagnosis is clear; if you can, we strongly recommend rescheduling your travel for another day. And for those who can't, we wish you lots of courage.