Météo et climat :
— ONU Info (@ONUinfo) June 8, 2024
👉🏽L’OMM @WMO prédit l’arrivée probable de La Niña et ses températures plus fraîches
👉🏽Los conditions météorologiques continueront d’être « plus extrêmes »
👉🏽#AlertePrécocesPourTous demeure une prioritéhttps://t.co/K2n42mx1es
Still, La Niña could also go unnoticed, simply because global warming continues its course due to greenhouse gases, as explained by Ko Barrett, Deputy Secretary General of the WMO.
What About La Niña in France?
Everything indicates that this phenomenon will not have real direct consequences for us in France, at least during the summer period. Even though for El Niño, reports Futura Sciences, the effects on Europe have been observed with disturbed weather, more humidity and sometimes windier conditions.
La Niña is expected to establish itself this summer in the Pacific Ocean, but it will still take some time for the effects to be felt worldwide. It seems like we will have a rather typical summer, similar to what we usually experience.x that we have been able to experience in recent years, with stormy and hot episodes. However, the phenomenon may be felt in autumn and winter, with an early arrival of winter temperatures.
🌎 Le phénomène météorologique de La Nina - et les températures plus fraîches qui l'accompagnent - devrait arriver plus tard cette année et succéder à El Nino, qui a contribué aux records de chaleur depuis des mois, a annoncé l'ONU #AFP pic.twitter.com/bSmPXifYBR
— Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) June 3, 2024