Metro: Will annual Navigo Passes and Liberté + be available on your phone soon?

undefined undefined 14 août 2024 undefined 17h00

undefined undefined 17 août 2024 undefined 21h49

The Editor

Having your Pass Navigo on your phone? Absolutely! Making this tip available for iPhone users? No problem at all! What about those with an annual pass or a Liberté +? Oh dear, that’s pushing it a bit. At least, that’s the vibe we get from RATP. Right now, only holders of certain specific subscriptions can enjoy this super handy service. So when will there be a fair chance for everyone, no matter our plans?

An undeniable revolution

This summer, as tourists flocked to the capital in droves for the Olympics, many were able to purchase their tickets directly from their phones — for the modest fee of 4€ — happily skipping the monstrous lines at ticket counters and machines. According to Valérie Pécresse, the app...

The transportation app has been downloaded more than a million times. That's fantastic news for them, but a big disappointment for some Parisians, who feel a bit left out.

Because right now, this amazing system only works if you have a Navigo day, week, youth weekend, or month subscription. And if, like many of us, you have a yearly subscription or you hold the sacred Liberté +, unfortunately for you, it’s time to keep looking. You’ll still need to desperately dig through your bag every morning to find that little blue card.

Change is happening now?

According to Île-de-France Mobilité, this timing discrepancy is due to the number of annual subscribers and the time it takes to link each of these accounts to the IDFM app. The company explains that they want to minimize the risks of fraud before implementing this practice. And that makes sense, considering that the annual pass costs quite a bit almost 1000€

So, when will we also have the right to enjoy that almost magical moment of simply using our phone to breeze through the turnstiles? According to the general director of ’IDFM, Laurent Probst, the switch for all subscriptions is expected to happen « by 2025 », as he shared with our buddies at Parisien. Well, it's a tad unclear, and considering the timelines of previous steps, we can guess that we’ll need to be a bit more patient