Quelle bande d’incapables à la mairie de Paris. En 2021 ils devaient supprimer les panneaux obsolète. 3 ans après il ne s’est rien passé… tout est comme ça avec Hidalgo et ses amis 🤬 #HidalgoDemission https://t.co/hQewWlbeQV
— Hidalgo Dégage ! (@hidalgodegage) March 25, 2024
No district is spared
These signs, which most often indicate public establishments, such as post offices, town halls, or tourist sites, there are more than 800,000 in the capital. So it's understandable that it's not always easy to spot those that are out of date. However, there are over 2,000 in the streets of Paris, and it can become a real burden for those who are not locals, especially as the Olympics approach.
Hidalgo a fait disparaitre les panneaux indiquant les directions aux automobilistes, au motif que ce système serait devenu obsolète. Il est vrai que nombre d'avenues ne mènent plus nulle part.
— Ecrins🇫🇷 🇪🇺🗻🧗🏿♀️ (@Ecrins6) October 14, 2021
Circuler dans Paris demande de la hardiesse du courage
A small, concrete example highlighted by our colleagues at BFM: Bir Hakeim. Over there, many signs pointing towards the Eiffel Tower are placed incorrectly, and one can only imagine the immense disappointment of tourists who desperately follow them to the left, only to realize after a while that they should have clearly turned right. You have to admit, it doesn't look good for our international image.
La ville de Paris a décidé de retirer les panneaux directionnels de Paris, les jugeant "obsolète", Seuls les panneaux indiquant les parkings et hôpitaux, et services de secours resteront. (France Bleu) pic.twitter.com/zE5P1KsxAj
— cultinews (@cultinews) October 9, 2021
In a more general way, the City of Paris has announced for some years now that it wants to remove the main signs (for example those indicating the major squares), obsolete or not, which take up a lot of space on the sidewalks, and are most often dirty and broken. And let's not lie to ourselves, there are other ways to navigate, such as GPS, or even the very friendly local shops! So we hope the city will keep its promises and quickly update everything.