It's official, Gérard Depardieu's lookalike is retiring from his career

undefined 14 décembre 2023 undefined 17h09

The Editor

Another Complément d'enquête that exposes where it hurts. After Hanouna, it was Gérard Depardieu who was scrutinized by the show, and it's safe to say that the revelations he faced are simply scandalous. But he's not the only one suffering, and among the collateral damage, we find "Fredo Depardieu," the official Belgian doppelgänger of Gérard.


irc; a little heavy to carry

For over 10 years, the Belgian had slipped into the skin of the actor. And for good reason, a quite striking physical resemblance (or not, it depends on different points of view) allowed Fredo to start his career and make a little name for himself in the industry.

Unfortunately, the (very justified) criticisms that the nationalized Russian actor received were then directed towards Frédéric, who couldn't handle the pressure. He decided to put an end to Depardieu and now goes by the name Fredo Actor (let's applaud the originality and effort put into finding a new name).

Unwavering support

But well, of course, when you embody someone for 10 years, it creates bonds, and over the years, Fred and GéGé, as they're called in the industry, ended up developing a fairly strong friendship. To the point that the lookalike declared on his social networks: "Following the numerous controversies regarding my friend Gérard Depardieu and the fact that some clever ones associate me with him, I have made the decision to no longer be his lookalike. This doesn't change anything about the friendship I have with Gérard, and I am nobody to judge him."

Well, if we think that her change of vocation is a very good thing, we are not sure if we can say the same about her prolonged friendship with the actor who, let's not forget, is accused of numerous sexual violence, bordering on pedophilia. Fredo, your company is as questionable as your choice of pseudonym...