
Soon there will be fewer shops open after 8 PM in the north of Paris?

undefined undefined 25 février 2025 undefined 13h00

undefined undefined 25 février 2025 undefined 13h20

The Editor

Since this Saturday, February 22, if you take a stroll after 8 PM around Château-Rouge, you might find the neighborhood a bit quieter than usual. And there's a good reason for that! The stores on some major streets in the area are now required to close their doors much earlier than before. This decision was made by the police prefecture of Paris in response to too many recurring complaints from neighbors, along with alarming observations reported by law enforcement.

A measure that has proven effective

Since December 20, on the streets of Château-d’Eau and the Boulevard de Strasbourg near the Château-d’Eau metro, the atmosphere has definitely changed as night falls.cute;. It's worth mentioning that, apart from bars, restaurants, pharmacies, and cultural establishments, all other businesses are required to close their doors by 8 PM. What's the reason behind this decision? “The late closure of certain businesses located in certain areas causes numerous public disturbances related to a misuse of public space that leads to gatherings of people.” And while the Paris prefecture uses quite formal language, the neighbors simply complain about excessive noise and frequent overflow related to heavy alcohol consumption.

A measure implemented at the end of last year has just been extended for the second time at the end of February, as it appears to be making a difference. Since December 2024, police reports in the 10th arrondissement have noted a significant improvement in the living conditions of residents, with visible decreases in evening noise disturbances, gatherings of intoxicated individuals, aggressive behaviors, street vending, and the presence of thieves, as well as drug use and sales and litter left in public spaces. This observation has motivated the city authorities to expand this principle to another neighborhood in Paris: Château-Rouge.

3 new streets involved

For the past few days, there are 3 new areas that are facing the same restrictions, namely the Château-Rouge square, Christiani street, and a section of Poissonniers street. These locations had numerous police interventions over the past year, resulting in 143 tons of seized goods, 16,403 police reports filed, and 30 administrative closures ordered. According to the prefectural order issued on February 20th, these restrictions will initially be in effect until March 31st, and they will apply on weekends and holidays as well. This news has been warmly welcomed by all the residents of the neighborhood, who hope that, like in Château-d’Eau, the measure will be extended. However, they prefer to warn them to notdon't expect any miracles either, since since the implementation of the measure at Château-d’Eau, there have been 17 penalties for not closing before 8 PM.