Rapper Lomepal Targeted by a Third Rape Complaint

undefined undefined 22 mai 2024 undefined 12h30

The Editor

TW: This article contains accounts of sexual violence.

A little over 10 months after the publication of initial accusations against him on Instagram, Lomepal is once again facing controversy. According to the investigative media outlet Mediapart, a third rape complaint has been filed against the 32-year-old rapper on Tuesday, May 21, for incidents that are alleged to have occurred in 2017. Meanwhile, the singer claims "not to have committed rape."

« We all know what it means when you say no »

Mediapart gathered the testimony of the young woman as well as that of another accuser. The incidents are said to have taken place in January 2017 at the artist's home. At the
.A cute young woman, around 25 years old, who goes by the name of "Marie" (her name has been changed) apparently met the artist a few weeks before the assault, before starting a relationship with him. The young woman explains that she would have "awoken suddenly" while Lomepal was trying to "anally penetrate her" without her consent while she was asleep.

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Une publication partagée par Mediapart (@mediapart)

«What don't you understand when we say no?», she would have said to him after the assault. To which the rapper would have replied: «We know very well what it means when you say no», Lomepal would have responded. A sentence that speaks volumes about the singer's view on consent. Lomepal asserts that the encounter was consensual: «I would never even have imagined doing that to someone who is asleep», he stated to Mediapart.

Three rape complaints against Lomepal

The singer is already the subject of two preliminary investigations for rape, one concerning a complaint filed in 2020, for events that occurred in 2017, and another after a complaint filed in December 2023, for events that allegedly took place in 2.018. Always close to Mediapart, the first complainant claims that the assault would have occurred in New York in 2017, where Lomepal would have followed the 23-year-old girl home without her consent. Despite her reluctance, they would have started a consensual relationship that turned violent: "He held me tightly by the hips, I started to feel afraid," she recounts. Lomepal then allegedly "pulled her hair" and "started to strangle her", putting his fist in her mouth. These complaints followed an Instagram post published on July 19, 2023 by journalist Jenna Boulmedaïs, in which she denounces the "inappropriate and non-consensual behaviors" of the rapper, as well as the silence of journalists and music industry players on the matter.

Here again, the rapper asserts that he did not commit rape and states that the young woman never told him "no or stop". He adds: "That we were not in harmony, that this moment was not particularly tender, I can understand. But what is described there is false".