
Here are the most popular names given in Paris in 2024

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The Editor

The new year has arrived, and already we can hear the announcements of pregnancies pouring in. We truly believe that 2025, which marks a quarter century, will be one of the years when births will see a significant increase. A question arises: what name to give to your little one? Just like every year, the City of Paris has compiled the Top 10 most popular female and male names given in the capital for 2024. It’s the perfect inspiration, or on the flip side, a chance to see which names to avoid...

Louise still leads the Top 10

When it comes to female names, Louise has been at the top of the rankings since 2007, except for the year 2022 when it had shifted...

in second place. Alma takes second place, followed by Emma. This winning trio is completed by Olivia, Jeanne, Adèle, Gabrielle, Sofia, Anna, and Alice. While the ranking is generally similar to that of 2023, we do notice the absence of the name Iris

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A stable trio of top names

When it comes to boys' names, the podium stays unchanged: Gabriel takes the top spot, followed by Adam and Raphaël. They are joined by the names Arthur, Louis, Isaac, Léon, Mohamed, Noah, and Léon, rounding out the Top 10. It’s interesting to note that the names Gaspard and Joseph have dropped out of the rankings compared to last year.

A big change in names compared to 1924

Every year, INSEE reveals the list of the most popular names from a hundred years ago. For the year 1924, the National Institute of Statistics shows that Marie, Jeanne, Madeleine, Suzanne, Denis, Jacqueline, Odette, Paulette, Simone, and Yvonne were the most popular female names. For boys, Jean, André, Pierre, René, Roger, Marcel, Robert, Louis, Henri, and Georges topped the list.