Here’s everything you absolutely can't do in the subway!

undefined 3 avril 2024 undefined 18h55

The Editor

For many Parisians, the metro is a bit like a second home. In fact, a lot of people don’t hold back from acting like they’re at home. They go ahead putting their feet on the seats, blasting their music, and all that jazz. However (and this might surprise you), some of these behaviors are just plain forbidden! We’ve looked up for you the latest list of all the infractions monitored by RATP agents, and here it is!

Fines under 50€

- Non-validated Navigo card on the bus or tram: 5€. See, the bus is truly the GOAT compared to the metro. Even the fines are cheaper.

- Non-validated Navigo card or ticket in the metro or RER: 35€. That might sting a bit.

mal. And it’s especially silly, because if you have it, there’s no reason not to validate it...

-Invalid transport ticket: €35. Yes, we know it’s not always easy to navigate with all these zone stories, but come on, make an effort!

- Unjustified reduced fare: €35. No need to try to snag the child fare when you have a beard and gray hair, okay? That won’t fly.

- Transport ticket out of validity period: €35. Yep, the end of the month is the end of the month, and you won’t get an extra day.

- Entering a one-way street in a controlled zone: €25. Even if it’s just for a ridiculous challenge with friends, you can't go up the escalator the wrong way!

- Violation of the vaping ban: €35. It's definitely better than smoking a cigarette! But let’s not act like we're kings of the oil, okay?

Fines between €50 and €100

- No valid ticket: €50. And let's be real, that's still more expensive than the €4 ticket. Just saying, no further comments...

- Illegible/Torn ticket: €50. Tough luck when you’ve had the same Navigo pass since elementary school, like I do, but we have to make an effort.

- Already used ticket: €50. We’ve all tried using the same ticket twice, just to see what would happen!

- Ticket not relevant to the service: €50. Yep, trying to pay for the metro with your Sephora loyalty card won’t work!

- Transport ticket for someone else: 50€ (+ confiscation). Ouch, that hurts the wallet! Plus, it's really not cool for the friend who just wanted to help you out.

- Unauthorized crossing: 60€. It might surprise you, but when there's a red circle with a white line through it on the door, that means no entry!

- Disturbance of the peace: 60€. The metro is a moment for rest and meditation above all.

- Minor damage (slight soiling of the material: footrest/other): 60€. You didn't see that one coming, did you?! And at the same time, you're not at home, I must say!

- Violation of the smoking ban: 68€. And if you can't wait for 3 stations, maybe it's time to ask yourself some serious questions.

Fines over 100€

- Obstruction to boarding or getting off:

- Descent : 150€. There you go. Everything is said. WE LET IT DESCEND BEFORE GOING UP.

- Activation of alarm signal and/or circuit breaker : 150€. Not only do you pay a hefty price, but you also draw the wrath of all the other network users.

- Use of sound devices or instruments : 150€. Hello to the metro singers. We love you, but sometimes, it’s a bit too loud.

- Deposit/forgetting an item in a vehicle/space : 150€. We know, most of the time, if your SpongeBob backpack stays on the train, it’s just a forgetfulness, not a terrorist act. Unfortunately, life is unfair.

- Obstacle to equipment operation : 150€. For example, strolling on the tracks. Just saying.

- Hazardous/infectious material : 150€. We’re talking to you, chemists; please leave your viruses in the lab.

- Unauthorized handling of dangerous products : 150€. In the same vein, experiments belong at home.

- Dangerous object...

- Inconvenience in a car: €150. And by the way, would a lawnmower be of great use in the train cars?

- Loaded firearm in a car: €150. Well, that seems pretty logical.

- Introduction or illegal transport of an animal: €150. Like an anaconda or a crocodile. Your dog is just fine, don’t worry.

- Obstruction of pedestrian traffic: €150. So, let’s put aside that slightly crazy dream of someday building a dam in the subway corridors, shall we?

- Improper parking in a space: €150. The only exception is if you stop out of despair during a transfer at Châtelet.

- Violation of the no-spitting rule: €150. Come on, let's keep it classy!

- Improper use of a reserved space: €150. We see you, with your head down and headphones on, ignoring that pregnant woman. Not cool.

- Obstruction of irregular door opening/closing: €150. To dodge this one during rush hour on line 13 takes some serious skill!

- Irregular passage of a vehicle from one to another: €150. Honestly, it's much easier to just walk along the platform like everyone else.

- Violation of the no leaning outside the vehicle/bus rule: €150. Given the size of the windows, you’d have to be super tiny to pull that one off!

- Using the step of a moving vehicle: €150. Please, don't try to reenact some scenes from Slumdog Millionaire. It's safer that way.

- ...Entry/stay of a person in a state of obvious intoxication : 150€. Sometimes, it's better to take an Uber. Plus, it'll cost you less in case of a fine. Smart !

- Begging, soliciting, distributing flyers/items: €150. Clearly, the rule is: the first one to talk to their neighbor in the corridors has lost.

- Filming/shooting without permission: €150. Yes, it may be surprising, but it’s true.

- Failure to comply: €150. So, it will often cost you more than the initial fine.

- Destruction/removal of a sign/removal of advertising: €150. Yes, even if it’s for fast fashion.

- Damage (characterized alteration of equipment): €150. The metros are already in bad shape, if you could avoid breaking them even more…

- Improper occupation of the driver's seat: €150. At the same time, the driver is probably doing their job better than you would.


- Staying in a vehicle at the terminus: €150. So next time, let's be careful not to doze off, it's for the best.

- Violation of the prohibition on urinating: €150. Is there really any need for a comment?

- Prohibited traffic on a vehicle: €150. Biking is meant for the street! Bikes belong there.

Out of Category

- Sexist outrage: systematically reported to the public prosecutor. It's the latest addition to the list, and it's a very good thing.