First and foremost, we want to start with some good news: when it comes to drug consumption, the French capital is far from being a bad student. According to the latest results from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, Paris ranks well below Amsterdam, Dublin, and Prague. However, the issue is still present in the streets of Paris. So what substance holds a prominent place in the habits of Parisians? We’ve got all the details for you.
A Global Increase in Consumption Rates
The figures revealed by the European agency this March are clear: overall, there is an increasing drug consumption across Europe. And Paris is no exception. At the top of the list, we find...
the cocaine, which is the most prevalent drug in the wastewater of inner Paris. Experts are clear, the sewers of Paris are full of traces of “C,” and not of sharks, much to the dismay of Netflix filmmakers.🔴 Ce chiffre a presque doublé depuis le précédent rapport de l'Observatoire français des drogues et des tendances addictives : en 2022, 600 000 personnes déclaraient en avoir consommé.
— franceinfo (@franceinfo) January 15, 2025
It's not too surprising, as just a few months ago, the French Observatory of Drugs and Addictive Trends (OFDT) reported a very alarming finding: in just one year, the number of cocaine users in France has simply doubled. This drastic increase is due to a stabilization of prices, but also an evolution in the different profiles of consumers.
A similar observation applies to 4 out of the 5 other drugs found in wastewater: amphetamine, methamphetamine, ecstasy — and its active ingredient, MDMA — as well as ketamine. In all cases, Parisians are clearly becoming increasingly fond of this type of entertainment. However, the 6th substance...
Highly sought after, even if it is the only one whose consumption has decreased, it remains, by far, the most consumed in the capital.
Cannabis today, cannabis forever
However, even though cocaine has made a strong comeback in recent years, Parisians and, more generally, the French, remain very much addicted to cannabis, with 5 million users in 2023, 1.4 million regular users (10 times in the last month), and 900,000 daily consumers nationwide. This loyalty is partly due to more accessible prices and lighter effects that allow for consistent consumption throughout the week. Despite a nearly 50% decrease in consumption compared to the previous year, cannabis remains the clear favorite.
Le 14 mai 2016 se déroulait à Paris la 15ème Marche Mondiale pour le cannabis
— La Page du Stoner (@lapagedustoner) November 1, 2020
For "harder" drugs, we actually see much higher consumption patterns during the weekends. And it makes sense, as that's when most consumers go out for parties, do some pre-parties, enjoy after-parties, and basically at any other time that's just right for indulging in illegal recreational substances. This clearly hasn’t stopped more and more people from partaking in this vibrant scene. What a lovely picture of Paris!