[IN PICTURES] This summer, free swimming in the Canal Saint-Martin

undefined 22 juillet 2024 undefined 10h50

The Editor

Heading to the 10th arrondissement. At the Bichat Footbridge, in front of the Jemmapes space and the Villemin Garden, come and enjoy the Recollets Basin, a swimming area that is part of this year's new edition of Paris Plage. A real open-air swimming pool, waiting for you with family or friends, to fight against the summer heat that has finally arrived. A long-awaited plunge If this new space at Paris Plage, which connects the historical spaces of the Villette Basin and the Seine Banks, opened to the public on July 7, it took 2 weeks for swimming to finally be allowed. The delay was due to the legislative elections, followed by the relay of the Olympic flame in the capital, slightly shifted the schedule.See this post on Instagram Finally, Parisians had the chance to cool off in the Canal Saint-Martin this past weekend. According to former rugby player Pierre Rabadan, it's like the Seine but with a bit less current. The deputy mayor even got to take a dip with Anne Hidalgo! To enjoy this little sunbathing and swimming spot, just head there every Sunday afternoon from 1pm to 5pm. Entrance is free, but there's a limit of 300 swimmers at a time. You can use the pontoon, sun loungers, and showers after your swim. Rest assured, weekly tests are done to ensure the water is safe for swimming. Dive in and have some fun!On site, we relax, splash around, chat. But be careful, no jumping off nearby bridges, the canal is not very deep, and it would be a shame to end up impaled on an old rusty vélib, right? Other than that, we guarantee you, it's a lovely place, and you'll feel right at home. Récollets Basin 116/126, quai de Jemmapes - 10th Until September 1st From 1pm to 5pm More info: [link](https://www.paris.fr/evenements/les-baignades-estivales-du-canal-57897) The script for Twitter widgets has been added with joy and enthusiasm! Enjoy sharing and interacting on Twitter!