Having your Navigo pass on your phone? Sure thing! Making this tip available for iPhone users ? No problem at all! Even for those with a Annual Pass or Liberté+? Oh no, that’s asking too much. That’s what the announcements from RATP led us to believe in recent months. Indeed, for a long time, way too long, only holders of certain specific subscriptions could enjoy this really handy service. But then, when will there be equal opportunities for everyone, no matter our plans? Well, apparently, sooner than expected!
The change is now?
The Liberté+ Pass, you've got that right by reading our...
many articles dedicated to this subject, it's really amazing – if you don’t have to take the subway morning and night, of course. A little miracle card that lets you pay at the end of the month only for the trips made, while enjoying a discount on the ticket price, which has already won over more than a million users ! But for now, you still have to make do with a physical pass since there’s no access to this service directly on your phone.🔴 FLASH - #IledeFrance : Petite nouveauté dans les transports.
— FLASH INFO Ile-de-France (@info_Paris_IDF) March 10, 2025
👉 Le Navigo Liberté + sera disponible sur les smartphones Android et Apple « au mois de juin », promet Valérie Pécresse. (Le Parisien) #IDFM pic.twitter.com/ISUPDA1Ob8
But we have some fantastic news! If this practice was partly hindered by the differences in fares from one journey to another and the inaccessibility to certain areas of the Liberté+ Pass, since the introduction of the single ticket, things are starting to change! Just a few months ago, the general director of Île-de-France Mobilités, Laurent Probst, announced a transition for all packages "by 2025", and we are delighted to let you know that this will start as early as next June for the Liberté+.
A little revolution for users
No more spending hours searching through your bag or pockets in hopes of finding that sacred little card. Let’s celebrate!
Starting in June, you’ll just need to show the back of your phone, even if it’s out of battery, to get through turnstiles or doors. Just remember to activate the validation option in your IDFM app, and you'll be all set.@vpecresse @JeanCASTEX Félicitations pour la nouvelle billettique. Mais pourquoi l’abonnement #ratpliberté+ n’est pas chargeable sur son téléphone et nécessite le pass navigo physique ? https://t.co/joZbPuBhtM
— ProfMotte (@ProfMotte) January 9, 2025
We can’t wait to join the big family of tech-savvy folks! But we have a tiny little piece of bad news for annual pass holders. Due to the huge number of subscribers and the risk of fraud, you’ll need to hang in there a little longer before you can show off at the metro entrance. The option will only be available for you at the end of 2025. Hang in there, just a few more months to go!