
4 Parisian universities among the 100 most prestigious in the world

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The Editor

The international reputation of Paris is well established. At every level, whether cultural or gastronomic, the French capital stands out as one of the best cities in the world. And there’s another area where it clearly excels: education. The Times Higher Education has just released its annual ranking of the World Reputation Rankings 2025 which lists the best universities in the world based on their prestige. In total, 300 institutions from 38 different countries were ranked based on a survey conducted with 55,000 researchers. And here's the good news: four Parisian universities are in the top 100!

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Parisian universities ranked between 46th and 93rd position

So, it’s The Sorbonne that comes in first in the top 100 ranking, at 46th place. Next up is Paris-Saclay at 77th, followed by Paris Sciences et Lettres (PSL) at 79th. Finally, the Polytechnic Institute of Paris takes the 93rd spot.

Other French institutions have made the ranking. This includes Grenoble Alpes University, the University of Toulouse, Aix-Marseille University, Lyon's École Normale Supérieure, the University of Montpellier, Panthéon-Sorbonne University-Paris 1, Paris Cité University, the University of Bordeaux, and the University of Strasbourg. 

The United States Dominates the Ranking of the Most Prestigious Universities

While Paris is certainly represented in the top 100, it’s primarily American and British universities that take the lead in the top 10. First place goes to Harvard University (United States) for the 14th consecutive year. It is followed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M

(USA) and the University of Oxford (United Kingdom). This ranking is completed by Stanford University (USA), the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), the University of Berkeley (USA), Princeton University (USA), Tsinghua University (China), Yale University (USA), and the University of Tokyo (Japan). 

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