rePlayed, a solidarity association that gives toys a second life in Paris

undefined 21 décembre 2023 undefined 12h41

The Editor

We wanted to share with you a wonderful initiative as Christmas approaches, that of the reJoué association. During this festive period, when we do our shopping, we don't think enough about second-hand toys. And yet, here, prices can be up to half the price of a new toy.

But what makes this workshop so special is that it helps with the reintegration of people with complicated professional and life paths. Thanks to this work, the association has been promoting sustainable employment and social inclusion for over 10 years in the Île-de-France region.

A professional reintegration project

«The association reJoué is a reintegration workshop that reuses toys in order to resell them at lower prices. The work of the employees in training is to collect, sort, restore, and resell the toys that are collected within the association," explains Benjamin Delforge, communication manager of the association. At their workshop in Vitry-sur-Seine, the employees first verify that the toys are functional before meticulously cleaning them for resale. This is the case for Oumy and Samad, recently hired employees of the association: "I have been in France for 5 years. When I left Afghanistan, there was a war. My father is still stuck in Pakistan."

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Une publication partagée par Rejoué (@assorejoue)

The people who work at the reJoué workshop are people who are very far from employment. According to Benjamin Delforge, " they come here after very complicated life paths or professional paths.To help them return to the job market, the association offers fixed-term integration contracts (CDDI), which last between 6 and 24 months.The goal is for them to stay for as short a time as possible because that means they find something at the end, and we support them in that direction," the manager says.

Second-hand toys for everyone

In addition to the integration project, reJoué also works primarily to give a second life to games, toys, and children's books.

Who are given to them. Wooden games, puzzles, board games, construction games, action figures, vehicles, costumes, dolls, stuffed animals, children's books, outdoor games, creative activities... Everything is there!
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A post shared by Rejoué (@assorejoue)

To help them, you can make a financial donation or donate your toys at one of the association's collection points. The only condition is that the toys must be in good condition, functional, complete, and have the CE logo. You can also buy from the store or become a volunteer/partner.

reJoué Association Store
140, street name

From the Castle - 14th
Phone: 09 54 91 30 75
Open on Tuesday from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM and from 2:30 PM to 7:00 PM, and from Wednesday to Saturday from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM without interruption

reJoué Pop-up Store
So Ouest Shopping Center
31, rue d'Alsace - Levallois-Perret (92)
Until December 24, 2023
Open from Wednesday to Saturday from 11:30 AM to 7:30 PM and on Sunday from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

reJoué Workshop
20, avenue de l'Abbé-Roger-Derry - Vitry-sur-Seine (94)
More information

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Une publication partagée par Le Bonbon (@le_bonbon)
