Here's what 2024 will look like according to cinema (spoiler, it's not mind-blowing)

undefined undefined 12 janvier 2024 undefined 15h20

undefined undefined 16 janvier 2024 undefined 10h22

The Editor

If some people turn to fortune-telling, we prefer to refer to the 7th art to try to prepare ourselves for what awaits us in 2024. And one thing is certain, if we believe the directors of the past 70 years, the next few months are unlikely to be a walk in the park... The Space Traveler - 1960 We start with the oldest one. In this 1960 science fiction film, a pilot from the US Air Force finds himself trapped in a space-time rift that lands him in 2024! He then discovers a not-so-great society, destroyed by nuclear power, where humans are either mutants or deaf-mutes. Super fun, right? What we particularly love about this film is...The quality of the special effects, undoubtedly revolutionary for the time, unfortunately feels a bit dated today. And here's an interesting fact, the film's credits, which scroll horizontally, inspired a certain George Lucas a few years later for Star Wars! (embed video) Apocalypse 2024 - 1975 The title of the film speaks for itself. Once again, 2024 was not envisioned as a very glorious year. But we can understand why, as this date does have a somewhat menacing quality that evokes the end of the world. In a desolate and threatening planet, we follow a young man who is trying to survive, and [the rest of the sentence is cut off].A dog that can read minds. Yes, we also find the concept a bit surprising, but why not after all. Well, so far we can see that the filmmakers of that time didn't have a high opinion of 2024, fortunately it seems that we can still avoid the catastrophic scenario in real life.

Highlander 2, The Return - 1991

The most cinephile among you may know the first part of this saga, released in 1986. The second episode, presented 5 years later, unfortunately did not have the same success. In 2024, the planet has been protected for 25 years.Under the rays of the sun, thanks to a gigantic shield managed by a shady company, Connor MacLeod, the hero of the first installment, must regain his immortality to save the planet. A scenario that almost makes us want to. And in terms of radiation, climate change, and all that jazz, we're already getting closer to our current issues.

Virtual Past - 1999

An IT specialist, working for a company specializing in virtual reality travel in the past, is accused of the murder of one of his colleagues. He must then travel from 2024 to the 1930s to...trying to solve this mystery and clear their name. A very good movie, unfortunately overshadowed by the release of Matrix shortly after, which also talks about virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the proliferation of screens. Well, we're starting to think that some directors may have had a good intuition, and we don't really like that. [Embedded YouTube video] Narcopolis - 2015 We take a little jump forward in time to get closer to our era. In 2015, director Justin Trefgarne believes that in 2024, drugs will become legal and rule the world. He imagines a rather cool thriller that takes place between 2024 and 2044, in.Which a slightly heroic policeman decides to thwart the plots of the all-powerful drug company that runs the world. A slightly alarming vision of the year to come that makes us think that maybe legalisation isn't such a good idea.

Realive - 2016

Here, a man with cancer decides in 2024 to be put to sleep until 2084. Okay, we're cheating a bit with this one, because the majority of the plot takes place much further into the future. But if someone decides to be cryogenically frozen instead of facing the reality they live in in 2024, we can only think...That wasn't supposed to be top-notch either... It's still a touching movie about the human condition and our place in society, but there's not really a conclusion to be drawn about what awaits us in the near future.

The Last Days of American Crime - 2020

A new movie, a new catastrophic scenario. In 2024, the government develops a program that directly controls the human brain to prevent crimes. It's still a bit scary idea that, while it may have its advantages, immediately plunges us into an less-than-ideal science fiction universe. And we're glad to know that, for now, we're still safe in our little heads, and machines can't mess with us.Our every move and action controlled.

Songbird - 2020

Clearly, the most realistic of all the films on this list. As the Covid continues to rage for 5 years now, the world is divided between the "civilized society" and the notorious ghettos where infected individuals are locked away. And you can't help but think that a misinterpreted new confinement is just around the corner. However, we still hope that the worst of the Coronavirus crisis is behind us, and that we will escape this catastrophic scenario. We've already had enough.

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In conclusion, we can say that 2024 will be marked by drugs, nuclear disasters, global epidemics, and the apocalypse. What a fantastic program!