A pink full moon will illuminate the sky in April!

undefined 2 avril 2024 undefined 11h56

The Editor

Pink has clearly been the color of the year 2023, thanks to Barbie, and it's not done adding a pop of color to our daily lives. In April, it's from the sky that this color will take over as a pink full moon will illuminate the cosmos

A phenomenon that will occur at the end of April

You will have to wait a little longer, as this full moon will only be visible during the night of April 23. It will be in the constellation of Virgo.

Is it really pink?

The suspense has lasted long enough… No, the pink full moon will not actually be pink. Sorry. As reported by Starwalk, this nickname was given by the Native Americans in reference to the color of the wild ground phlox, one of the first flowers to bloom in spring. Spring is coming, flowers are starting to bloom in April. Even if it doesn't look as beautiful as expected, it can still mark a nice turning point in your life, allowing you to reflect and move forward with positive energy! 🌸