38 hours of sunshine in Paris in February, the lowest rate in over 30 years

undefined 6 mars 2024 undefined 11h50

The Editor

A record rate for over 30 years

If, like us, you almost burst with joy when you saw the sun shining proudly in the midst of a wonderful blue sky on Monday, March 4th, that's completely normal. During the day, 9 hours and 46 minutes of sunlight were recorded, a record. A monthly sunlight rate so low...It hadn't been observed in Paris since... 1991! On the contrary, the rain didn't fail to show up. According to Météo Paris, a national rainfall surplus of 62% has been recorded.scale The same observation was made all across France. On a national scale, the sunshine rate reached -35%. These disruptive data come as a surprise, as the annual sunshine rate has significantly increased since the 90s. According to Météo Paris, 1662 hours of sunshine were recorded in the capital city for the period 1981-2010, compared to 1717 hours for the period 1991-2020. The same goes for Alsace, for example, which went from 1693 hours to...At 5:47 pm. If you've had enough of the gloom, good news, Thursday 7 and Friday 8 March should reveal a few rays of sunshine, enough to get a good dose of vitamin D and go enjoy a drink on the sunniest terraces in the capital! Visit the sunniest terraces in Paris!
©Meteo Paris