Here are the top 10 restaurants in Nice in 2024

undefined 6 février 2024 undefined 08h58

The Editor

This year, 2 Niçois restaurants are among the 100 best establishments in France according to TheFork. So we find La Maison Joia (93rd place) and Toné Géorgien (95th place). But TheFork doesn't stop there and also offers a list of the 10 best spots per city in France. Without further ado, here are the top 10 restaurants in Nice in 2024 (kind of like the Grammys of food).
  1. Maison Joia
  2. Toné Géorgien
  3. Le Cèdre
  4. La Cantine de Mémé
  5. Le Kawa
  6. Le Clin d’Oeil
  7. Puro
  8. Zorzetto
  9. La Vague
  10. Le Vingt4
You now know what to try this year! Please note that TheFork ranking is meant to be constantly evolving over the months: "This ranking will be updated every month based on the average ratings, verified reviews, and reservation volumes for the past six months.Students. On TheFork, only those who have honored their reservations can rate the establishment and leave a review," the platform states in a press release.