Created by Marion Massa and Julien Partamian, "Juma" aims to offer a unique space that combines fun activities and tasty delights. Spanning 3300 m², the complex will feature bowling alleys, racing simulators, and an "action game" area with 20 interactive rooms for tactical and physical challenges. Gamers will also find plenty to enjoy with an esports arena and a 500 m² virtual reality zone, where total immersion and team challenges await.
A 370m² Restaurant
In addition to leisure activities, "Juma" will offer a 370 m² brewery inspired by South American flavors. A 150 m² terrace will allow guests to enjoy sunny days with cocktails in a delightful tropical atmosphere. Scheduled to open in spring 2025, this complex will accommodate up to 460 people, also featuring spaces for private events and seminars!
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