30 tricks to recognize a thirty-something in Nice

undefined 12 septembre 2024 undefined 08h44

The Editor

 He no longer smokes, he vapes

2. He misses the student outings on Thursday nights

3. He has an early receding hairline

4. He has AirPods 

5. He wears Vejas on his feet because they’re casual yet classy

6. He sports a three-day beard

7. He wears sleeveless puffy jackets

8. He can even wear a shirt underneath

9. Speaking of shirts, his favorites are Mao collar ones

10. He buys his wine from the little wine shops in Old Nice

11. He has blue light-blocking glasses

12. He has an amazing collection of eco-friendly tote bags

13. He also has a famous mesh bag, usually with a leek sticking out

14. He goes to the market every Sunday and comes back with flowers

15. He rides his bike to the market with an integrated basket at the front

16. He uses Yuka

17. He knows where to eat the best Socca in Nice 

18. He rides on an electric scooter 

19. And sometimes, look out, he even wears a helmet !

20. He goes for a jog along the Prom' on Sunday mornings

21. He comes back home and watches documentaries on Arte

22. He has a skincare routine with more than two creams

23. He has a note on his phone with all his favorite Nice addresses 

24. He will never send it to you

25. He loves new Airbnb housing concepts

26. He has an unlimited cinema subscription

27. He adores veggie sushi

28. He started a startup 

29. He loves afterwork gatherings

30. But be careful, not too often.