The International Fireworks Festival is back for 2 months in Cannes

undefined 24 avril 2024 undefined 07h50

The Editor

The PYROTECHNIC ART FESTIVAL is coming back to Cannes starting on July 4, 2024. It will run until the end of August and during this whole period, 6 pyrotechnicians will be competing! Pyrotechnics, background music, light shows... 6 amazing performances with the sole purpose of dazzling you so you vote for them!

"Every summer, Cannes hosts one of the most prestigious Pyrotechnic Art Festivals in the world in its bay. After 3 years of competition, the Silver Vestale medalists gather on the Croisette for six shows and compete for the highly coveted Gold Vestale! Masters of pyrotechnics and the art of synchronization, they will put all their creativity into creating carefully orchestrated pyrotechnic-musical displays."

Every show on the waterfront is acclaimed by over 100,000 spectators and a panel of experts, witnesses to these spectacular contests. This extraordinary event offers magical moments made up of successive displays combining high-precision pyrotechnic products and some of the most famous movie soundtracks."

Approximately 700,000 spectators are expected. A jury will award the winner with the silver vestal.

Find the program here.