
6 cafés where you can work easily in Nantes

undefined undefined 5 octobre 2020 undefined 14h35

undefined undefined 9 avril 2024 undefined 08h51

The Editor

When you work, whether you're a freelancer, independent or a student, you're looking for peace and quiet, a cozy and comfortable place... OK, you have all of that at home, but let's admit it, it's often difficult to focus on a tough project instead of giving in to the call of the latest season of "House of Cards" or doing the housework - yes, in those moments, hanging out your laundry seems like a sweet pastime... The best solution to work while seeing people and getting out of the house a bit: coffee shops! Le Bonbon gives you its top 7 coffee shops where it's nice to sit for a few hours to work, where the drinks are good and not too expensive, and where the staff don't make you feel like you've exceeded your legal sofa-squatting time. And to discover all our good addresses, go to our Les Tops du Bonbon app! Marcel et ses Madeleines Instead of Café Plume, Gregory opened Marcel et ses Madeleines, a small neighborhood café.Where you can come as early as 8am to sip your coffee and nibble on pastries. In this charming setting, you can quickly forget about time (at least until snack time when you can try the famous madeleines...). A must-visit for sure.©Facebook Marcel et ses Madeleines

Marcel et ses Madeleines
3, place Catinat - Nantes
Tél. : 09 82 37 42 31

La librairie-café Les Bien-Aimés

Ambiance studieuse d'emblée dans ce lieu insolite, entre librairie et salon de thé. Entouré de bouquins, tu n'as plus qu'à te mettre au travail. Tu peux aussi y savourer de bonnes petites gourmandises et, si tu as envie d'une pause, facile de te plonger dans deux ou trois pages de ce roman qui a l'air si bien... Attention pour les lève-tôt, le café n'ouvre qu'à 10h.

.librairie-cafe-les-bien-aimés-spot-travail©Facebook Les bien-aimés

Les Bien-Aimés
2, rue de la Paix - Nantes
Tél. : 02 85 37 36 01

Le Café sur Cour

This address combines comfort and warm hospitality. You are already invited to work in a cozy atmosphere. It's up to you to choose - depending on the weather too - between the soft couch, straight out of Central Perk from Friends, and the tables in the shade of the terrace. Of course, the wifi is free.

Café-sur-cour-travail-nantes© Café sur Cour

Le Café sur Cour
9, place Louis Daubenton - Nantes
Tél. : 02 40 73 10 62

Le Shefferville Café

Here, the coffee is bottomless! Perfect for getting work done, right? The space is quite narrow but the place is so cozy that you feel good there. For lunch break, treat yourself to one of their excellent bagels... Before getting back to work.

Shefferville-cafe-pour-travailler-nantes©Facebook Shefferville Café

Shefferville Café
93, rue du Maréchal Joffre - Nantes
Tél. : 02 53 97 03 65

Monsieur Machin

A bit crowded on the ground floor, Monsieur Machin's upstairs is your peaceful haven. Until 5 pm, the place is very quiet, perfect for a productive day. A good excuse to linger until aperitif time!

Monsieur-Machin-cafe-travail-nantes©Facebook Monsieur Machin

Monsieur Machin
5, rue Saint-Léonard - Nantes
Tél. : 02 40 47 93 13

Le Chapitre T

Petite adresse cosy au calme quartier Graslin, c'est entouré de bouquins et en sirotant du thé tout droit venu d'Angers que tu peux bosser au Chapitre T. On adore la jovialité d'Anne, la patronne. Pour rester manger le midi, tâche de réserver car l'adresse est victime de son succès ! 

Chapitre T
1, rue Camille Berruyer - Nantes
Phone : 06 60 98 66 95