About fifty storks have settled on the roof of a church in Montpellier

undefined 11 septembre 2024 undefined 09h48

The Editor

Surprise in the Croix-d'Argent neighborhood! This Tuesday evening, about fifty storks decided to settle down (or rather, spread their wings) on the roof of Saint-Cléophas Church, creating a scene that's both unique and elegant. Some of the birds even preferred the panoramic view from the lighting pylons of the nearby Sabathé stadium, as there wasn't enough room on the roof.

Other storks spotted on the rooftops of Montpellier

This aerial spectacle, somewhere between a wildlife documentary and a postcard, softly marks the end of summer. These great travelers are starting their migration south, and Montpellier is one of their favorite stops. In fact, this isn't the first time storks have made an appearance in the city. Just a few days ago, another group was seen near the Arceaux, on the Church of the Assumption.

They come, they rest, and then they head off to warmer places. A discreet ballet that reminds us autumn is just around the corner. So, the next time you spot a stork...perched on the roof of your neighborhood, think about looking up and savoring this rare moment before they take to the skies again!

Source : Midi Libre