
We finally know the inauguration date for Max Rouquette Square in Montpellier!

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The Editor

A few days ago, the 30,000th tree of our dear Michaël Delafosse’s initiative was planted in this iconic place, and here’s the good news: the inauguration date is finally set! Mark your calendars for Saturday, September 20, 2025, which is way sooner than we could have imagined…


A total of 130 trees will be planted

Improving the square was essential to breathe new life into the Arceaux neighborhood. Yes, the construction made some people grumble, but we promise the result will be worth it! From now on, the square will feature a food kiosk integrated into the new bleachers, charmingly named “Verd Paradis,” along with several play areas and two gardens. So, what will we do in this square? Fun activities are already planned, like outdoor movie screenings and concerts. We can’t wait for next school year to arrive (and it’s the first time we’re excited about that!).

Source : En Commun