Birth announcement: a lovely baby rhinoceros was born at the Montpellier zoo

undefined 26 juillet 2024 undefined 14h13

The Editor

On Saturday, July 20th, the caregivers at the Lunaret Zoo in Montpellier joyfully welcomed a new resident: a baby white rhinoceros. This moment was highly anticipated, as it is the first rhino baby born in this park. Nola, the mother rhino, gave birth to a male after a gestation of 16 to 18 months (yes, it's long, but it was worth it!). An love story between Nola and Troy The story began over a year ago when Nola and Troy, a 13 and a half-year-old male, mated. After months of patience and attentive care, their little one finally arrived. This birth is excellent news for the species, as the white rhinoceros is unfortunately endangered...

A protected species at all costs

The Lunaret Zoo spares no effort in the conservation of endangered species. Significant improvements have been made to enhance the habitat of the rhinos: expansion and landscaping of the enclosure, installation of a misting system, a wallow, and a dedicated area for calving. Everything is designed for the well-being of these majestic animals. Montpellier Mayor Michaël Delafosse praised this birth as a true reward for the efforts made by the zoo and its teams, according to our colleagues at France 3. The zoo has an annual budget of 1.5 million euros to ensure animal welfare.

A wave of births at Lunaret Zoo

The baby rhinoceros is not the only newborn at the zoo. Two other babies have also been born: a helmeted cassowary and a coendou. It seems that Lunaret Zoo just keeps growing!

Source: France 3