For a little history
For the past 38 years, The Hyères Festival has been promoting and supporting young international fashion creation. And since 1997, it has included a competition open to emerging photographers and since 2016, a competition that honors new fashion accessory designers. It is recognized as the oldest fashion competition for young professionals in the world, and several awards celebrate the designers in competition, thanks to the contributions from the Festival's partners who commit to support them over time.
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The Winners
In January 2024, the winners of the competition were announced at UNESCO by the international jury chaired by Nicolas Di Felice, the Artistic Director of the Courrèges fashion house, alongside Coco Capitan for photography and Achilles Ion Gabriel from Camper for accessories. Discover right away the list of winners for fashion, photography, and accessories.
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The Awards
For fashion, 4 awards are presented, including the Grand Jury Prize Première Vision, the le19M Award for Arts and Crafts, the eco-responsible collection award from Mercedes-Benz, and the Prize from L’Atelier des Matières. On the photography side, two awards will be given to the winners: The Grand Jury Prize and the 7L Photography Prize, as well as the American Vintage Photography Prize. For accessories: there’s the Grand Jury Prize for Accessories and the famous Hermès Prize.
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39th International Festival of Fashion, Photography, Accessories - Villa Noailles
47, Monument de Noailles - 83400 Hyères
From October 10 to 13, 2024
More info