The Culinary Heritage of Marseille
Highlighting the culinary heritage and the expertise of refugees is the main goal of this festival. This year, the project showcases female figures like Alessandra Montagne, chef of the restaurants Nosso and Tempero (Paris 13th), and godmother of this 2024 edition. The Marie Curie association also puts the feminine cause at the heart of the festival by supporting the integration of refugee women in the kitchen.
.Check out these amazing dining options for the 2024 edition: - **Carlotta with**: Franco-Georgian dinner - 84 Bd Vauban, 13006 Marseille - **Le café de l'Horloge**: Franco-Syrian lunch - 7 Rue Albert et Georges Arnoux, 13600 La Ciotat - **Le plan de A à Z**: Franco-Iraqi dinner - 117 La Canebière, 13001 Marseille - **Cédrat**: Franco-Afghan lunch - 81 Rue Breteuil, 13006 Marseille - **L'abri**: Franco-Syrian dinner - 114 Bd de la Corderie, 13007 MarseilleVoir cette publication sur Instagram