
Neomma: the new automated Marseille metro revealed to the public

undefined undefined 22 septembre 2024 undefined 19h38

undefined undefined 23 septembre 2024 undefined 05h59

The Editor

A GREAT DEAL FOR THOSE TAKING THE METRO! But also for those who haven't been on it lately…

European Heritage Days

According to the initially announced schedule, the first trains are expected to be in service by the end of 2024 on the M2 line of the Marseille metro. In the meantime, it was possible to visit the future trains during the heritage days, on September 21 and 22, 2024, from the La Rose depot in the 13th arrondissement of the city. Designed by the Marseille designer Ora-ïto, the exterior and interior design of the new metro trains in Marseille were chosen by the residents of the area, and they certainly caught the attention of the locals!

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Une publication partagée par RTM (@rtm_transports)

What did the first visitors think?

According to the locals from Marseille who got the chance to visit the new metro, everyone agrees: it has much more space, brightness, and modernity ! It’s a new era for transportation, with a clear gain in space highlighted by the removal of the barriers between cars. Inside, it’s friendly, welcoming, and super practical for strollers and people with reduced mobility. There’s even air conditioning, wow, what a brilliant idea!

Cost of the operation ?

580 million euros ! The NEOMMA project will allow for the renewal of the train sets and the full automatic control operation of the two lines of the Marseille metros. This modernization encompasses all materials,  equipment, infrastructure, as well as control and signaling systems of the network.

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