Tonight, the "Full Flower Moon" will illuminate the sky in Marseille!

undefined 23 mai 2024 undefined 21h00

The Editor

Why is it called the "Full Flower Moon"?

This name refers to the blooming that occurs during this time of year. That's why its arrival is associated with a stage favorable to change, newness, and the renewal of energy that flows. So if you feel like shaking things up in your life, now is the time to do it!

How to interpret the full moon according to your zodiac sign?

If you're not sure what to expect, we've put together a little list where you can find predictions from expert astrologers based on your zodiac sign!

• Aries-Libra, the full moon will feel like a breath of fresh air for you.
• Taurus-Scorpio, this lunar phase will make you work on repetition.
• Gemini-Sagittarius, you'll need to eliminate something..
• Cancer-Capricorn, it's time for you to declutter!
• Leo-Aquarius, you will share your experiences, joy, and hopes during this time.
• Virgo-Pisces, it's time for you to realize the importance of moving on emotionally.