"I have had three stars, three bypasses, and three wives."
"I have my two bins: the cold water bin and the hot water bin."
"Mr. President, you must break bread" (as he served Valéry Giscard d'Estaing his famous truffle soup covered with a puff pastry shell)
"In a large group photo, never stand in the middle, you might end up in the fold of the magazine with the staples in the middle of your nose!"
"Life can stop at any second. So you have to work as if you were going to live to be 100 and live as if you were going to die tomorrow."
"There is only one cuisine, the good one."
"In my life I regret nothing, except maybe the pain I may have caused the women in my life. I hope they will forgive me."
"Doing a job well doesn't take more time than doing it poorly."
His rooster tattooed on his arm? "That's my buddy! When someone annoys me, I speak to them quietly. It calms me down and especially destabilizes the opponent."
"Lyon is a city that makes you hungry."

"I love women and we live too long these days to spend a whole life with just one."
"Today, being alone in the evening, watching the ducks with my dogs, then sleeping in the same room where I was born is enough for my happiness."
"It is better to let the recipe live. In any case, you never cook the same thing twice. I don't work with proportions, with weights, but with instinct, with desire. With intuition."
Source: Le Parisien