Lyon among the top 5 best cities in France to live in as a woman!

undefined 8 avril 2024 undefined 10h08

The Editor

Lyon loves girls!

According to a ranking established by Femme Actuelle, Lyon ranks 4th among the best cities in France to live in as a woman! The women's magazine revealed "the cities that love women" in a special feature after an 8-month survey. The rankings are clear: Strasbourg, Rennes, Bordeaux, Lyon and Nantes are the top 5 cities according to the rankings.

bordeaux podium meilleures villes france ou vivre femmes©FEMME ACTUELLE

A privileged city in terms of health, transportation, or housing

To distinguish the most egalitarian of the 50 largest French municipalities, the magazine based its rankings on figures divided into 4 main chapters: specific healthcare services, security, quality of life, and the actions of municipal authorities, with 21 resulting indicators. The data was sourced from the Ministries of the Interior and Health, the CAF, INSEE, Citepa, Fubicy, Leboncoin, and more.

"The ideal city is a place where women can live in serenity and freedom, and Bordeaux meets all these criteria fabulously!"

There is no "feminine city," even less so for women. To paraphrase the geographer Yves Raibaud, it is often thought, constructed, and arranged by men for men. Luckily, not all cities are the same, as Femme Actuelle states in its investigation. Lyon is proud to be a welcoming and suitable place for women. A sanctuary that Perpignan, Antibes, and Troyes cannot boast about: the underachievers in the ranking.bordeaux podium meilleures villes france ou vivre femmes©FEMME ACTUELLE